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Greta Kittlesen , "Med Punkter "Silver Cuff 1953 , J .Tostrup Norway (Copy)

  I often feel in design,  the future is the past, we live in flats and houses filled with objects that have memories , often family connections  that give us comfort .Though some people have abandoned all this and live in palaces of minimalism , single white spaces. And I have been told do their washing up in the bath . Not eating at home , so as not to leave a mark or trace .

 I prefer the former, mixing old with new, found objects and modern design .Many homewares from the last few years are based on a Scandinavian ideas that dates from the mid century period , though new copies of old pieces often cost much more than finding the originals and are not so well made.

 Above is a wonderful example of a mid century piece of silver jewellery from Norway, Designed by Grete Kittlesen for the family firm of J Tostrup in 1953 . The bangle is both simple in construction, a pierced/milled and curved sheet of silver but complex in design, with a hint of Armadillo and Game of Thrones ! They are classic pieces of modern design if you can find one. She also designed kitchen /table wares in Steel and Enamel which are design classics